Air Commodore NITIN SATHE (Retd)

All stories by Air Commodore NITIN SATHE (Retd)

The Tejas Is 20 Years Old!

The Tejas Is 20 Years Old!

Rediff.com5 Jan 2021

On the 20th anniversary of the first flight of the Tejas, we must congratulate the entire team who made sure that the LCA flew and returned safely on January 4, 2001, sowing the seed for development of a state-of-the-art fighter airplane that our country so badly needed, says IAF veteran Air Commodore Nitin Sathe.

'The boys were so fired up to fight the enemy'

'The boys were so fired up to fight the enemy'

Rediff.com24 Dec 2020

'One of the bullets grazed General Sagat's hand and one injured Flying Officer Sidhu in the leg.' 'The helicopter was quickly flown back to Agartala and after landing they found that the aircraft had been peppered with 38 bullet holes!'

How IAF choppers helped General Sagat liberate Bangladesh

How IAF choppers helped General Sagat liberate Bangladesh

Rediff.com24 Dec 2020

The retreating Pakistani troops were heading towards Dacca and they had to be stopped at all costs. The Eastern Army Commander, in his orders to General Sagat Singh, had reiterated that he did not want the troops of 4 Corps to cross the Meghna river. But General Sagat had other plans to threaten Dacca and ensure that the pressure would make the Pakistani commanders capitulate. This is where the IAF helicopters came in.

China-Pak air exercise; Cause for worry?

China-Pak air exercise; Cause for worry?

Rediff.com23 Dec 2020

'There is much to glean from such exercises. And make it known that we are ready to take them on together!', says Air Commodore Nition Sathe (retd).

'During the war, we reached 40 km into Pakistan'

'During the war, we reached 40 km into Pakistan'

Rediff.com16 Dec 2020

'My brave JCO managed to get to the gun, sit on top of the dead man and fired away at the attacking aircraft till they melted away into the darkness.'

1971 War: When my dad trained the Mukti Bahini

1971 War: When my dad trained the Mukti Bahini

Rediff.com11 Dec 2020

Dad had sneaked into East Pakistan (present day Bangladesh) well before the war had started for reconnaissance of the terrain on the other side. He had disguised himself as a driver of a truck laden with goods and traveled into East Pakistan to be received by the underground fighters of the Mukti Bahini.

Celebrating Heroes: Meet the IAF's first para rower

Celebrating Heroes: Meet the IAF's first para rower

Rediff.com3 Dec 2020

'I am grateful to God that I am alive and he has made me differently-abled for a greater cause,' says Wing Commander Shantanu.

Soni Somarajan's INSPIRING LIFE

Soni Somarajan's INSPIRING LIFE

Rediff.com21 Nov 2020

It was Soni Somarajan's biggest dream -- to see himself as a proud member of the Indian Armed Forces. When Life brutally shattered that dream, he wove a new one.

Tsunami Memories: How we rebuilt the IAF's CarNic airbase

Tsunami Memories: How we rebuilt the IAF's CarNic airbase

Rediff.com5 Nov 2020

'Wanting to see the bright side of things, we always told ourselves, 'It could have been worse!', when the situation got tough.' Air Commodore Nitin Sathe (retd), who helped rebuild the IAF's Car Nicobar air base after the 2004 tsunami, recalls the devastation on United Nations World Tsunami Awareness Day.

How Mi-8 helped India's Operation Cactus

How Mi-8 helped India's Operation Cactus

Rediff.com3 Nov 2020

We salute the Mi-8 today on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of Operation Cactus. Through its glorious service career, the Mi-8 left an indelible mark on the future by providing the IAF with a lineage of professional helicopter aircrew, says Air Commodore Nitin Sathe (retd).

The IAF Air Warrior Skydiver Who Made History

The IAF Air Warrior Skydiver Who Made History

Rediff.com21 Oct 2020

'I have only one life and that is enough.'

5 things I learnt from the IAF

5 things I learnt from the IAF

Rediff.com8 Oct 2020

Air Commodore Nitin Sathe reveals what he learnt from the Indian Air Force, which he served for 35 years. An Air Force Day Special.

'Indian Navy is confident of rising to any challenge'

'Indian Navy is confident of rising to any challenge'

Rediff.com21 Sep 2020

'The Indian Navy has sufficient combat power in areas of interest to India that can quickly scale up operations if the need arises.' 'This includes all the choke points leading into the Indian Ocean as also areas within.'

'Indian Navy will protect India's trade and economic interests'

'Indian Navy will protect India's trade and economic interests'

Rediff.com17 Sep 2020

'The Chinese navy is large and expanding both in numbers and capability by the day.' 'India too must take measures to safeguard its own interests, now and in the future.'

How Rafale will be inducted in the IAF

How Rafale will be inducted in the IAF

Rediff.com9 Sep 2020

The entire base must be spic and span with flags fluttering along the roads. Everything that moves will be washed and bedecked with the best while everything that is static will be painted afresh, observes Air Commodore Nitin Sathe (retd).

'The Chinese air force is no threat'

'The Chinese air force is no threat'

Rediff.com24 Aug 2020

'Our air force can strike them with impunity.'

'Since Kashmir is not burning, the Pakistanis are very uncomfortable'

'Since Kashmir is not burning, the Pakistanis are very uncomfortable'

Rediff.com13 Aug 2020

'What has changed is the desperation of Pakistan proxies and the separatists in their failure to foment violence and civilian casualties in Kashmir.'

'We want to prevent Pak from training Kashmiri youth'

'We want to prevent Pak from training Kashmiri youth'

Rediff.com13 Aug 2020

'It's a matter of great pride that no student of Army Goodwill Schools has ever joined terrorism.'

Kargil@21: When the choppers attacked the enemy

Kargil@21: When the choppers attacked the enemy

Rediff.com25 Jul 2020

'We decided that we would fire our rockets and dive into the valley and get away, making it difficult for the missiles to be fired.'

Remembering Kargil: The IAF Attack on Tiger Hill

Remembering Kargil: The IAF Attack on Tiger Hill

Rediff.com23 Jul 2020

'Searching for the target with bare eyes was like searching for the needle in the haystack, but due to the technology, we had a clear picture of the seven tents perched against the rocky background on our scopes.'

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